About Me



Lynise Perry, MS, CNS, LDN

Lynise Perry is Certified Nutrition Specialist and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist with a Master’s degree in Nutrition from Maryland University of Integrative Health (MUIH) and Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Howard University. She is a member of the American Nutrition Association and practices clinical nutrition from a functional medicine approach.    Lynise is passionate about helping people achieve wellness through bridging the gap between evidence-based medical nutrition therapy and traditional integrative healing modalities, and incorporating fun, community based learning experiences such as nutrition education, food labs, and cooking lessons. She specializes in helping people with chronic digestive issues like IBS and SIBO to feel well again and enjoy food.  She offers telehealth nutrition and herbal counseling to address chronic and acute health and wellness concerns for all ages.  Lynise resides in Southeastern Virginia with her children, Pugle Chloe and Siberian Kitty, Lalah. She loves cooking, gardening, roller skating, reading and spending time with your family and friends.   Lynise can be reached at info@lyniseperrynutrition.com


The Board for Certification of Nutrition Specialists owns the certification mark Certified Nutrition Specialist® in the United States, which it awards to individuals who successfully complete the initial and ongoing certification requirements establ…

The Board for Certification of Nutrition Specialists owns the certification mark
Certified Nutrition Specialist® in the United States, which it awards to individuals
who successfully complete the initial and ongoing certification requirements
established by the BCNS.

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