Frequently Asked Questions

Do you take insurance?

Short Answer: Yes. I am in network with Aetna, United Healthcare, Anthem, BCBS, Cigna

Long Answer: Medical Nutrition Therapy coverage is dependent on a person’s individual plan and it is best to verify coverage before setting up an appointment. You can find my insurance verification form under the Patients with Insurance Forms tab. You can more information and step-by-step instructions on how you can use your insurance for nutrition counseling HERE.

For individuals who are under a different plan and their plan covers medical nutrition therapy, I can provide a superbill for you to submit to your health insurance for potential reimbursement. In this case, you would pay cash for the services and then submit the superbill and wait to see if the services are covered.

Even Longer Answer: Health Insurance only covers medical nutrition therapy, not functional nutrition or meal planning. If you’d like to incorporate functional nutrition and meal plan subscriptions in your care plan, there will be an additional monthly charge. You can set up you initial insured appointment by clicking the Book Online button below.

What is included in the service?

If you’d rather not use insurance or find that I am not in network here’s some info on the packages I offer. What’s included will vary on your particular package. All functional nutrition packages include:

  • One 90 min Initial Consult (60 min with insurance) to learn about your eating style, dietary history, medical history and lifestyle, followed by a comprehensive assessment of your dietary intake and nutrition focused physical exam

  • One or more 45-minute follow-up sessions to discuss your nutrition and assessment results and lab analysis, health goals and diet/supplements/lifestyle/specialized laboratory recommendations/interventions and next steps.

  • Direct Messaging and meal planning support in between sessions

  • Electronic Food and Lifestyle Journal Access

  • 1-12 months free subscription to customizable or fixed meal plan

  • 10-30% off Professional Grade Supplements

  • Monthly payment plans

What kind of Labs do you analyze?

Basic labs your doctor orders through Quest Diagnostics and LabCorp are normally covered through your insurance but specialized or functional laboratory testing are normally out of pocket. Some labs offer payment plans. If you’d like to get the ball rolling by pre-ordering your labs and setting up time to chat about your results click the Get Testing button below.


what about Vitamins and herbs

I recommend practitioner grade supplements on an individual basis. Supplement recommendations carefully consider the individual’s diet, medical history and diagnoses, current medications and other supplements to avoid interactions, allergies and sensitivities, the best form, and economic ability to purchase. I only use practitioner or professional grade supplements from reputable companies that have been reviewed and tested by 3rd party certification programs. This is why I use the online depensaries Fullscript and Wellevate. I will generally provide at least a 10% discount on the supplements I recommend. My practice does collect a fee with each supplement purchase to offset the cost and time taken to create a very individualized supplement regimen catered to each client’s needs. Because of this and the questionable quality and safety of supplements purchased from third-party websites like Amazon, I recommend taking advantage of the supplement discount through my online dispensary or at least directly from the manufactures website. If you’d like to purchase your supplements directly from the Online Dispensary, click the Button below.